WOISD Nature Center to Expand with Funding from Education Foundation

The White Oak Education Foundation voted in a Special Meeting held Thursday, May 20, 2010, to donate $20,000.00 to White Oak ISD to go toward construction of a new 30′ X 50″ steel Pavilion for use by White Oak students in conjunction with the District’s Nature Center.  There will be Check Presentation Ceremony at the site of the Nature Center on Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 3:45 PM.  The Public is invited to attend.

Members of the Nature Center Steering Committee, chaired by Kevin McGuire, will accept the over-sized check facsimile from Billy Sallee, President of the White Oak Education Foundation.

For the past several weeks, White Oak Intermediate School children (grades 3-5) and White Oak Primary School children (K-2) have held a competition between grade levels to see which grade could collect the most “Nickels For Nature”.   The Intermediate Third Grade class and Primary grade level winners celebrated Friday, May 21, with ice cream on the location behind the school where the new Pavilion will be constructed.   The all steel constructed building is expected to be ready for use by students at the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year.

Linked below are photos of the students, led by Intermediate Principal, Karen Dickson, forming the shape of the rectangular Pavilion on the very site where it will be built.  If you have any questions, you may contact Michael E. Gilbert, Superintendent of Schools for White Oak ISD at 903-291-2201.   Click on the link below to view photos:


C. V. Dickson
White Oak Education Foundation
Publicity Committee
Cell: 903-720-7690

AMS/TEA Press Release on WOISD Filming

“The Texas
Education Agency is developing a video and
website that features best practices in the use of technology to enhance
teaching and learning in the classroom. The video will highlight
activities in
selected school districts, focusing on classrooms where teachers have
successfully integrated technology into the curriculum. White Oak ISD is
one of
the districts that will be featured in the video and website. 

TEA’s goal is to increase awareness of
the benefits of
technology integration, provide tips on how to plan and implement
programs, and inspire other educators to embrace technology integration.
video will feature not only classroom activities, but also the planning,
goal-setting, administrative support and professional development that
led to
the effective use of technology in each district. The role of the
Consortium and its role in technology integration in White Oak–and
East Texas–will also be explored. 

AMS Pictures, the creative media
company that is producing
the video and website for TEA, will be in White Oak, May 24-27, to cover
selected classroom activities and interview teachers and students.
Superintendent Michael Gilbert, Instructional Technology Coordinator
Floyd, and White Oak ISD Chief of Technology Michael Gras will provide
background information on the development, implementation and growth of
technology integration in the district and its impact on teachers,
students and
the entire White Oak community.”

WOISD Educators to be Featured in TEA Film on Technology Integration

Monday through Wednesday of next week (May 24-26), AMS Pictures will be in the district to produce a film using White Oak ISD students, faculty, and staff. The purpose of the film is to promote the integration of technology in the classroom. We were selected by the Texas Education Agency to take part in this project based on the presentations of our teachers at January’s TCEA Conference. Mrs. Monica Floyd, Mrs. Shelly Huggins, and Mrs. Nina Peery are scheduled to be the featured educators in the film. This is an honor for WOISD and we are looking forward to seeing the final product.