From the TCEA website:
Classroom Teacher of the Year
The winner of Classroom Teacher of the Year was Pam Cranford, an elementary teacher in White Oak ISD.

As a SUPERnet peer coach for third-grade teachers at White Oak ISD,
Pamela Cranford has published 100-plus online lessons through MicroSoft
ClassServer’s Technology Applications Readiness Grants for
Empowering Texas, or TARGET.Her high interest in promoting the use of
technology for special education students led her to write and receive
more than 20 grants, adding to the classroom word labs, hardware,
software, EWords Language system, Lintor publishing kit, iPods,
external speakers, Flip Cameras, and Geo Safari units.Her students
regularly use databases, access PDFs, create podcasts, and build their
electronic portfolios.
She has led professional development sessions for staff members from
primary to high school including summer workshops in Web Design. The
accomplishments of her challenged students have brought respect and
touched all grade levels culminating in the 2008 GLOBE Teacher of the
Year Award.